Looking ahead

Why is that life goes by a little easier (and sometimes a lot easier) when you have something to look forward to? Say for instance, an impending birth or wedding or an approaching vacation. Well, currently I don’t have such thing and I’m quite bummed about it. Well, I won’t have either of the first 2 things I mentioned happen to me ever again, so I can scratch those off the list, so that leaves me with a vacation.

For that matter, Mr. Mag has a business trip planned to Southern Cal in September, but to my chagrin I was unable to find anyone to watch the kids during that time. I was so looking forward to it before I finally said, “Forget it! You go without me!” I knew when our first 2 options said they were unable to watch the kids, our plans would be thwarted. Mr. Mag said he should be doing this every year, which should have alleviated some of my anguish. It really didn’t though. I think it’s because I feel like I need that something to look forward to. Maybe I’m feeling this way because I haven’t had a ‘real’ vacation since….last October when we went on a cruise with TV Boy and yah, we went to Texas, but that’s nothing special. In fact, that’s a whole nother entry in itself! I guess what I can look forward to is the fact that Mr. Mag’s sister is having a baby around the same time he’ll be in Cali. I’ll try to look forward to having a new niece…yah, that’s what I’ll look forward to.

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