Q & A Week!

Well, now that Delurking Week is over 🙁 , I thought I’d take the plung and do a Q & A week. That means you can ask me anything and I’ll answer it! Don’t be shy… I’d also like to thank all that delurked last week! That was really fun.

Here are my 1st two questions with answers:
How and Why did you start blogging? (question from Lauren)
I started blogging on Xanga in April of 2004. I began to write in a blog for family to read and also for myself. I found it a great way to keep up with what’s happened in my life. I also thought family would enjoy reading about my family since I’m so far from them, which are in Texas and Colorado. My blog has kind of evolved a bit. I went from Xanga to Blogspot for just a couple months and now to my very own URL! I’ve met so many great people by blogging and I’ve also realized that my family and friends back home don’t really read this at all from what I can tell. In turn, my writing is just for me and all my blogging friends. 🙂

How much time do you spend on blogging and lurking each week? (question from Oma Flinger)
Oh my….I spend a lot of time blogging and reading! Usually a couple hours a day (ouch!)

How did you get to Alabama or why did you move to Alabama? (question from Denise)
I came to Alabama to meet my husband, who at the time was somone I was very interested in. We met on the internet and after we talked awhile I decided to fly out and meet him. I wasn’t real happy at that point in my life, so after coming out the first time, I decided to move to Alabama. I finished my semester at Texas Tech and Mr. Mag drove like 16 straight hours to come move me. He came with his parents’ station wagon, which we managed to fit all my stuff from my dorm. We drove to Fort Worth, where some of my family met him. They really liked him, BTW. Then, we drove to Vicksburg, MS and spent the night. Then, headed to rest of th way to my new home. And I’ve lived here for 9 years now!!

I thought you lived in Georgia? Oh, so my question is sweet tea or unsweet tea? Grits or oatmeal? Shaken or stirred? (question from R*Belle)
No, I’m only about 30 minutes from Georgia though. I’m not a huge fan of tea, but definitely SWEET! Grits, but I have to have stuff in them. Shaken or stirred? haha…for me as long as it’s good and strong! That’s what matters.

Are you currently teaching full/part-time? What is your favorite part about teaching? (question from AmyM)
I teach full time. We don’t have part-time teaching here in Alabama. My favorite part of teaching is getting through to the hard to teach kids, which is difficult, but worth it!

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6 Responses to Q & A Week!

  1. Oma Flinger says:

    How much time do you spend on blogging and lurking each week?

  2. Lauren says:

    How and Why did you start blogging? oops is that two questions 😉

  3. denise says:

    Umm…let’s see.

    How did you get to Alabama or why did you move to Alabama?

  4. Liz says:

    Loved reading your answers. My husband and I started out very similarly. Happy cyber-love! hehe 🙂

  5. R*belle says:

    I thought you lived in Georgia? Oh, so my question is sweet tea or unsweet tea? Grits or oatmeal? Shaken or stirred?

  6. AmyM says:

    Are you currently teaching full/part-time? What is your favorite part about teaching? (I teach 4th .5 job share in WA!)

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