
Well, due to the fact this blog was hacked into this morning, I finally decided to risk tearing stuff up and update with the latest WP. So I did and I think everything turned out ok.

Other than that I’m trying to get stuff around the house ‘clean’ so that when Monday rolls around and I’ll have a decently clean house to come home to. Although, since TV Boy’s school doesn’t start for another week, Mr. Mag has to work from home. That usually means the house doesn’t stay as clean as if no one were here. This weekend we’re going to a Drum Corp competition in Atlanta, which I’m excited about! There’s going to be so many different corps there. It’ll be great! But, with that comes the fact I won’t be home to do wash and all the normal things I do on Saturdays, so I’m doing wash today and tomorrow. I’m hoping that this mean I can relax and not have to worry about much on Sunday except the fact that I have to get up early Monday morning!

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2 Responses to Lately…

  1. Stacy says:

    Sorry to hear your blog was hacked. I use WordPress also, but am not at the current version. It seems like every time we update, then they roll out a new one a few days later 🙂

    Have a safe and fun trip this weekend! And enjoy that clean house when you come back home 🙂

  2. Dana says:

    Ooo, I love drum corp. I haven’t been to a competition is many years, but I used to love the Spirit of Atlanta. I don’t know if they still exsist or not, but my colorguard instructor at Bama was in Spirit.

    I wonder if they still broadcast the championships on TV?

    By the way, love your blog. Espeically the layout. I love southern magnolias.

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