Your Questions Answered!

Lisanne asked:
1] What are your thoughts about autumn quickly approaching? Do you enjoy fall? What are your favorite fall activities?
Well, fall may technically start Sept. 21, but here in the South it won’t ‘feel’ like fall until later October. Nevertheless, I love fall. I love making fall crafts and the cool weather when it finally decides to show up. I also enjoy Auburn Football. I love candy corns and scarecrow decorations, too.

2] How would you spend today if you could do absolutely *anything* you wanted?
That’s actually a very hard question! If this question didn’t have the ‘today’ part, I’d say I would book a trip and leave ASAP! If I could go anywhere, I’d probably choose Italy, because Mr. Mag and I talked about that recently. I’ve just been so itchy lately to go a trip. Mr. Mag is going to San Diego in a couple weeks and so I’m quite envious of that! WOW! I didn’t really answer the question, did I?

If I could do anything for just today…I’d sleep late. I’d go up to Atlanta and meet some friends up there, go shopping, buy a new computer, and then in the evening, I’d get dressed up and meet Mr. Mag for a ‘date’. We’d go to Dante’s for a very romantic dinner and then we’d head back to the Westin Peachtree Plaza! Yep, that sounds like a dreamy day!

3] Our birthdays are *really* close! What are your birthday plans?
Birthday? Coming up? Oh no! LOL! I haven’t had any thoughts of my birthday to be honest. Let’s see my birthday is on a Saturday sol that’s nice. If I could choose what I’d want to do that day…Well, I’d enjoy the above, but that won’t happen. So I would just like to hang out with family and go out to eat to…maybe Carino’s or Shogun Japanese. If I was to pick something out for my birthday, I would get a camera bag for my new camera and lenses. I’ve done lots of research on the net, but can’t seem to find on that stands out, so I’d like to go shopping for one.

Thanks for participating, Lisanne!

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