
I got my new skins! I’m so excited!! I hope everyone likes them as much as I do. Irma did an awesome job, so be sure and “skin the site”. My photoblog doesn’t have anything in it yet, but I’ll start working on that soon! I’m leaving now to go out to eat with my coworkers for our annual Christmas (yes, I said Christmas!) dinner. 🙂

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7 Responses to Yay!!!

  1. denise says:

    I love the site’s new look!

  2. Mrs. Flinger says:

    Irma is THE BEST. I luff her!!

  3. wendy g says:

    Love your new look!

  4. Rachael says:

    I love them both! They look great!

  5. lisanne says:

    OMG!!! I’m totally envious, LOL! 🙂 I *love love love* your new design! Way to go, Irma! 🙂 And you got the “captcha” thing to work, too. Very cool. I completely love the graphic above! It’s *so* you!

  6. monica says:

    i love th new skin!!

  7. Paige says:

    Love the new look! Great colors.

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