
I’m just in a rut! I have this week and next week and then I’m either doing jury duty out of town or going back to work! Both of which, I’m not happy about! I wrote a letter trying to get out of jury duty for now, but I don’t know if they’ll let me. I was out of town when the summons came so I was late getting my response in and they sent another letter saying if I didn’t respond I would have my day in court! Isn’t that lovely? Anyway…So I’m not ready to go back to work. I was gung-ho until last week when I got squashed. Now I have no desire to plan or even think about work, all because of one lone parent! I can’t seem to get over it. I try to close my eyes at night to go to sleep and I see her face! Uhhhh! Don’t you just hate that? I’m trying to heal from it, but for some reason I just can’t kick it!

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