WHAT a movie…

Now that we have every channel possible on cable, I watched The Notebook. WOW!!! I just can’t get over it. I’m not sure why it just tugged at my heart. Although, it doesn’t take much, since I’m a pretty emotional person, but anyway. If you haven’t see it, you should. And if you have seen it, let me know what you thought about it.

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6 Responses to WHAT a movie…

  1. Jen says:

    The book is awesome…better than the movie!

  2. denise says:

    I loved them both. Read the book and watched the movie! Maybe it’s because I saw the movie first, but the movie really got me. The book’s good too though.

  3. Rachael says:

    Oh I freaking love that movie. I cry every time I watch it. It’s the best!

  4. Lauren says:

    I loved the notebook! I loved the book too…Not sure which I liked better!

    I love all of Nicholas Sparks movies. I’m starting to get into his books now to. My favorite movie of all time is a Walk to Remember. It’s a tear jerker but a great movie.

  5. jennster says:

    the notebook is the best movie ever! for reals, even boys love it! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i liked it better than the book i think- because i LOVE what’s her face and what’s his face’s chemistry! *swoon*

  6. hey there great post! Enjoyed it!

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