Trying Gallery Out…

I’ve been “playing” Gallery, a piece of software to display photos on the web. I’m really not impressed! It doesn’t seem to be very user friendly and I’m just getting a huge headache trying to figure it out. I’m so used to the ease of .Mac by Apple and now I’m also using Flickr, both of which are VERY user friendly and so simple use.

BUT, let me know if you use Gallery and like it! Thanks

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2 Responses to Trying Gallery Out…

  1. Kelly (Kas) says:


    I use Gallery (still using v. 1.3.1 but getting ready to upgrade) and i LOVE it! If you go to my pic gallery, you’ll see it in action. If you have questions about it, lemme know!


  2. WV Country Roads says:

    Hey, I don’t know anything about those programs. I was just wondering how you found my site, outside of xanga? Are you able to comment on xanga without being a xanga member? Just curious, I don’t understand how this whole ‘blog thing works. You can email me if you can’t comment on my xanga.
    Have a great day!

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