Total randomness while I have a minute…

This may just give you a little glimpse into my world the next month! It’s a good thing though. You’ll notice the 14th, I may get a change to breathe. So the last couple weeks has involved trying to get everything that I brought back from Texas in it’s place for now. I don’t have time to deal with it all, but I don’t need it all out in the middle of my living room. I’m pretty close to having the house livable again.

I’m doing quite a bit of photography this month and I got a call recently to do a picture at a nearby Firehouse. My mind didn’t go there, until I started doing some research, trying to get some ideas of ways I can pose 20 guys. I was pleasantly surprised to see pics like these.

Yes, I know totally “photo-licious!”

Buuuut, none of the pictures I’ll be taking will be anything like those above. Maybe someday? 😀

Anyway, enough drooling. I’d like to congratulate Jenny and Bill on the birth of Miss Ryan. I did their maternity pics a few weeks ago. Can you say “Presh-ee-ous!”?

And another congrats to Candi & Craig, who are expecting another bambino. 🙂

Yah, so I’m in to making up weird words and using off the wall words. Hey, it’s nearly 2 a.m….give me a break. 😉

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