
I think I’ve ran off my fan club. Haha! I know I haven’t been posting on a regular basis but many of you know things for me haven’t been great. The new house is wonderful and I have great neighbors. In fact, the boys played with the 2 boys next door and we ate dinner over there tonight. We had a really great time. If you’re reading this, Stef, THANKS!!!! It was nice to get away from the house and not think about unpacking and organizing and cleaning and everything else I’ve had to think about. We got bikes for the family yesterday. Drew needed a new bike and I’ve been wanting to get a bike. It will be nice to ride bikes as a family. We got a trailer to pull Alex in. That should be interesting.

I haven’t had a chance to take pics of the storage shed we built. I’ll try to do that this weekend. We’re going to see Foreigner tomorrow, which should be fun.

Have a good one!

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4 Responses to Today

  1. dragonfly183 says:

    Hi there magnolia Mom. congrats on your new url :). I just recently got my first one too so i know how proud you must be. would you like to exchange links?

  2. Kristi says:

    Glad its going so well! hve fun at foreigner!!! i haven’t seen one of their concerts since 1985!!!

  3. Alice Johnston says:

    I enjoyed the concert this weekend.

    Your list is very long. You will have a very busy and fun summer.

  4. Just checking in with you…haven’t in a while! Glad things went well with the move and you have good neighbors!

    Have an awesome time at Foreigner! That is one awesome band and transports me to my high school days in the 80’s!

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