This weekend

Well, my birthday was great! My in-laws came to take me out to eat. We went to Shogun Japanese Grill, which was so good! I got a food processor, which I was really needing since my Ultimate chopper blew up! I also got a certificate for a new blog site! I’ll be working on getting that in place this month. Yesterday we went to see Elton John and Philips Arena in Atlanta. We rode MARTA and had the awful experience of getting mooned. It was NOT fun. I was very nervous! Also, we decided we sneak my camera in. The guy was checking my purse and as soon as he let me go, Mr. A says “He didn’t find your camera!!” We’re like SSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! The concert was good, but our seats were not that great and we sat by people who could have cared less about the concert and were more interested in smoking and beer! Today starts the marathon for getting ready to leave for our cruise Wednesday after work!

Hope you’re having a good weekend!

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