Thinking back…

Well I had written Drew’s birthday entry a couple days ago and you’ll see it in a few hours, but since I’m up and I was reading about Harper and Brayden and I couldn’t help but think back to this time 11 years ago. Wow! I get tears in my eyes thinking about it. No not because of the thoughts of the pain, but just thinking about how awesome it all was. After he was born, I remember the feelings that I had. It was crazy how I felt just an overwhelming love for him like I never thought I could. Yet, it was instantaneous! I woke up at about 2 am and felt what I thought were contractions, but since it was my first baby I wasn’t totally sure. I got up to go the bathroom, which is nothing out of the ordinary being that I was in my 3rd trimester. Not that I could ever get comfortable enough to sleep for too long and when I did an hour later I’d wake up to go to the bathroom. Oh the joys of pregnancy! Truthfully, I LOVED being pregnant both times! Here’s where Rob took down my contractions. Love it! Didn’t love the contractions, but you get it! You can see in the upper right hand corner it says 2:30-4:15. That’s the amount of time I laid in bed and wondered if I was really in labor and how long to wait before waking Rob up.




I won’t rehash the entire 14 some odd hours of labor and if this post doesn’t make any sense just give me some slack it is 2 AM. Happy Birthday to my 1st baby!

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One Response to Thinking back…

  1. Candi says:

    Rob looks so young in that picture…but I guess he really was 🙂

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