The Longevity Kitchen {Review}

The Longevity Kitchen: Satisfying, Big-Flavor Recipes Featuring the Top 16 Age-Busting Power Foods [120 Recipes for Vitality and Optimal Health] is written by Rebecca Katz and Mat Edelson who also wrote The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen back in 2009. When I saw this book was for review again, I was excited to see what age busting recipes they shared. However, after flipping through the pages I noticed about 1/4 of the book is informational. As I started to read, I was sucked in this vast knowledge written in a way that is not only informational, but interesting. The first 3 chapters:
–Food, Nutrition, and Your Body
–The Healing Power of Food – Love the section called “The Culinary Pharmacy” that lists foods and how they are beneficial to our bodies (antioxidant, heart health,anticancer, etc.).
–Making the Most of This Book

I’ve got a lot of pages tabbed in this book. I’m so anxious to give these healthier versions of recipes a try, like The Chicken Tortilla Soup (p. 70) and the Insanely Good Chocolate Brownies (p. 221). There’s also several new recipes I want to try like the Sesame Miso Dressing (p. 187), Greek Chicken Salad (p. 145), and the Thyme Onion Muffins (p. 166). I highly recommend this book for people that are looking to make their recipes healthier with a few simple changes.

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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