The “I” Meme

I AM: ready for summer!
I SAID: “I do” almost 9 years ago!
I WANT: a wok!
I WISH: for a million dollars.
I HATE: nothing, but I do dislike somethings.
I MISS: my Granddaddy.
I FEAR: roaches, car wrecks, and health problems
I HEAR: the lawnmower.
I WONDER: when there will be a cure for cancer.
I REGRET: not going into the medical field (sometimes).
I AM NOT: skinny.
I DANCE: with my kids.
I SING: when I’m alone.
I MADE: several of my students mad today.
I WRITE: things that are short and to the point!
I CONFUSE: myself.
I NEED: a vacation.
I SHOULD: be more patient.
I START: back to work July 31.
I FINISH: school Friday, May 19!
I BELIEVE: everything happens for a reason.
I KNOW: I need to not yell as much as I do.
I CAN: meet my goals.
I CAN’T: believe how fast time goes by and how my kids will be grown before I know it.
I SEE: my 2 year old playing with plastic cookie cutters.
I BLOG: as often as I can.
I READ: magazines and lots of non-fiction.
I AM AROUSED BY: Aroused? I don’t like that word.
IT PISSES ME OFF: when people are inconsiderate and lazy.
I FIND: Discovery Channel very interesting.
I LIKE: watching Rachel Ray.
I LOVE: blogging.

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