The Elements of Pizza {Review}

My family and I love homemade pizza. Thanks to Rob’s Gramma, who used to make homemade dough and roll it out into the scrumptious pizzas. After getting a breadmaker as a wedding gift, I have adopted the idea and love making my own pizza. When I saw the book called The Elements of Pizza, I had to see what it was all about. Award winning author Ken Forkish’s newest book will have your mouth watering! The gorgeous pictures of one of American’s favorite foods will have you wanting to try it for yourself. He covers everything from the dough to the sauce. And by the way, I’ve got to try the Vodka Sauce on p. 147. It’s on my recipe bucket list, no doubt!

I think anyone wanting to venture out and make their own pizzas will find this book helpful. I have found the description of how to make dough quite useful. I’m curious to try the Ferdinando on p. 156-157. Another recipes I’ve been curios about over the years is Tomato Pie, which is one recipe covered in this book as well on p. 177-178.

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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