Keeping Up

I’ll have to tell you I’m having a hard time keeping up with 4 blogs, facebook, and flickr! I love to update each one. They’re all great for different reasons. I feel like my business blog has to be kept up to date for current and potential clients. My cooking blog needs to be kept up to date because I’m a Featured Publisher. My weight loss blog isn’t as important, but I’ve been trying to keep it updated as a personal food journal and weigh-in days. And well here is it all started and I like to post here. Facebook is so easy to put a blurb up real quick and see what’s going on with my friends & fams. Flickr is just the best place to post pictures and I work so hard to keep it updated and organized. So the thing is is that I don’t want to stop any of them. 🙁 I’m not sure how to remedy this dilemma, but I just felt the need to tell you.

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