
I need to win A Million Nuggets!! But I tried today and I won a free Dr. Pepper, so I guess that’s better than nothing!

I’m holding on to just a bit of squeakiness, my voice that is! Yes, I’m loosing my voice. I could barely teach today and my throat started hurting pretty bad.

Mr. A had his first “Fall Ball” Baseballl game tonight. It’s KID-PITCHED!! And some of those kids are awesome! I take my camera everywhere, or least try to remember to. Well, there were some parents there looking at me like I was crazy or something, when I started taking pictures! 🙁 So I got paranoid and put the camera away! I was mad at myself for giving into the dirty looks, so Monday at his next game….sc**w them! I’m going to have my da** camera out and for their information, NO! I’m not taking pictures of THEIR kids!! Just MINE!! Thank you very much!

I told you this was random!

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