Quick update…

Hey everybody!

I guess I’ve kind of been gone! After being gone for 10 days, I spent Monday doing laundry, uploading pics, and all that stuff you do after being on vacation. Yesterday I worked in my classroom and then was so exhausted I just vegged. Today worked in the classroom, took my kids to my in-laws, and then Mr. Mag and I had kid-free time! I guess it’s that part of the year I get so wrapped up in getting ready for the new school year and making sure I’m prepared. I kind of have to put other things aside. Tomorrow I’m working in my classroom pretty much all day, or a least that’s my plans. I need to get my pics up from our Texas Trip soon.

And yes, you still have to be logged in to comment. The spammers continue to slam me everytime I try to switch it back. ACK!

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