Here’s my next set of questions. If you missed my first post about being a Proverbs 31 Wife, you can find it here.
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Questions 16-20
#21. Have you ever taken a job out of need over desire? How did you grow from it?
Yes, during my time of unemployment, I did several “jobs” that were not fun, but something to help us get by. I grew from it, by seeing myself do things I didn’t think I could endure. Proving to myself I can adapt to many different situations and job environments.
#22. In what ways to you try to honor your husband when you’re out in public together? Are there things you could do better?
I’m not sure that I “honor” Rob in public. What would an example of that be? I’m not sure Sara talked about that in the book…I know I could honor him by not saying condescending and negative things to our friends about him. In fact, I’ve already started really working on that. I know that when I’m unhappy about something I need to express it to him and no one else. It’s no one else’s business. I’m sure there are other things that I could do better when it comes to honoring him in public, but that is the main one that pops into my head.
#23. How consistent are you in your housekeeping tasks? How consistent are you in spending time reading your Bible and praying? Do you ever find the two go hand in hand? Why or why not?
I try so hard to keep up with housework. Sometimes, I do so good. At other times, I don’t have the energy to get out of bed, much less clean. As far as praying, I’m pretty diligent with that. Reading the bible, not as much. After my Emmaus walk, I did awesome! But just like with anything else, “life gets in the way.” I know that’s not an excuse. I think with both, housework and bible study, the issue is that we get so busy and we don’t make it a priority.
#24. Do you agree with Sara that the wife is the thermostat of the home? Why or why not? If you had to assign a temperature to yourself, what would it usually be and why? What do you wish it would be?
A lot of times, yes, if Momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy! I think I’m usually pretty cool, because I try (yes, TRY) to keep things calm, COOL, and collected. As hard as I try, it doesn’t always happen.
#25. How bad is it to wait and trust God for something? Describe a time you had to do just that?
Waiting on and trusting God can be difficult and can be quite trying. The unemployment was a time that this really was an issue with me, but I’ve already talked about that some, so I’ll talk about when we were trying to conceive again. I just couldn’t understand why it wasn’t happening. The lesson I learned from this is, is that as hard as you try, if it’s not in God’s plan, it isn’t going to happen. I remember just about to be to the point that I was saying, “it’s obviously not in God’s plan for us to have another baby.” And of course, it was at that time that it happened!