New TV Addiction

For those of who know me well, know that I’m a reality TV addict! So the other night, I watched Next Food Network Star. I didn’t watch the first season so I wasn’t sure what to expect. But, I’m totally hooked now! I set the DVR to record the entire season. Watching the 2nd episode, I was so shocked to see all the preparation and work that goes into 1 episode of a cooking show. I was also surprised that they tape it live with no stops. If you mess up, oh well, you gotta keep going. Not only do you have look and talk good and make since, but your food has to look and taste good! Anyway, I think that Guy Fieri will win. He’s really good in front of the camera and the judges really liked his recipe.

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One Response to New TV Addiction

  1. Frank Murphy says:

    I hope that Guy does win. By the way, I linked to your blog from my entry about Guy:

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