More fun with Playgroup

Auburn Airport

Today we got to go to the AU airport. Monkey Boy got to sit in an older Cessna, which the university owns a slew of them. They are used for the Aviation School at Auburn.

Auburn Airport

Living in Auburn for 13 years, you would think I’ve had an opportunity to go the airport, but have never had a need to go. I’m so glad we went, because I learned a couple things and it was neat to see the students take off in those planes.

Auburn Airport

A couple things I learned, I’ll share those with you. They have a couple small jets that hold about 8 people. They are kept in a hanger. They are used forfootball recruits and Gene Chizik and I’m sure anyone else who they deem high and mighty enough to use these 16 million dollar jets. You don’t realize how much it cost to fly an airplane, but when these jets fly it costs about $15,000. WOW!

Auburn Airport

More pics here & here and here (if you’re my friend on FB).

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