Mom Series

Ok, so earlier this week I talked about Discovering Dad and the series he was doing this past week. I didn’t realize they were all going to be done all in one week, so in turn I’m way behind on getting my answers posted! I’m working on them and will post them as I get them completed. Here’s the links to all the entries:
Series Intro
#1 What Moms Really Think About MarriageMy post (password needed)

#2 What Moms Really Think About Physical Appearances

#3 What Moms Really Think About SEX

#4 What Moms Really Think About Husband’s Pet Peeves

#5 What Moms Really Think About Good Dads

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2 Responses to Mom Series

  1. Thanks so much for mentioning the What Moms Really Think About series! I was really glad to see you visit and contribute, and I’m looking forward to your comments on the topics! Nice blog here – I like the layout!

  2. BethC says:

    I would love to read the above post. How do I get a password?

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