Life Lately #8…

Life Lately

Life lately has been filled with…
~~ Rob helping at the church in the evening with Sweat Week.
~~ concentrating on eating healthy.
~~ learning to make some pretty decent protein shakes.
~~ Teenager finished up with Sweat Week on Thursday, and went straight to work.
~~ Monkey went to Sports Camp each day last week.
~~ Other stuff…I’m so brain dead right now. Ugh

Goals for last week:
~~ Eat healthier – Did well with this for the most part.
~~ Get 2 posts up from our Atlanta Trip – did not happen, working on this week!

Goals for this week:
~~ I’m a bit stressed out now and just overwhelmed. I think this week, I just need to concentrate on my to-do list and just trudge through it. 🙂


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