Life Lately #7…

Life Lately

Life lately is filled with…
~~ lots of cleaning and organizing!
~~ lots of time to do what I wanted since Teenager and Rob were gone.
~~ Monkey and I had some great quality time too.
~~ spending Sunday with my sis-in-law and her hubs and my nieces and nephews.
~~ thoughts of eating healthy and getting in a routine of exercising.
~~ allergies driving me nuts!
~~ Rob and Teenager home from a week of being gone at Boy Scout summer camp.
~~ Teenager is home for about 24 hours before leaving again for another week. He’s now at a youth mission week that our church calls Sweat Week.

Goals for last week:

Goals for this week:
~~ Eat healthier
-no fried foods
-no sugar, pasta, white rice, bread
-more green foods, salad, kale, and other good vegetables
~~ Get 2 posts up from our Atlanta Trip **fingers crossed**


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