Life Lately #5…

Life Lately

Life lately is filled with…
~~ Started watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix.
~~ Teenager and Rob went to a Braves Game.
~~ Posting lots of books for sale on Amazon.
~~ Teenager started his first job!
~~ Did some other organizing and cleaning.
~~ Girls night out with my Reunion Group.
~~ Watched the USA game of the World Cup downtown.
~~ Teenager left on the church choir tour/mission trip.

Goals for last week:
~~ Eat no fast food for diet and budget reasons Did good! No fast food for me.
~~ Mark 1 thing off Summer Bucket List –>Didn’t happen
~~ Finish getting the master bedroom clean/organized –>Didn’t finish, but made a little progress.
~~ No Diet Coke (wasn’t on the list but I did this!)

Goals for this week:
~~ No eating out…period this week.
~~ Finish reorganizing/dusting kitchen stuff.
~~ No Diet Coke

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