
New Polaroid 32' HD TV

Well, this week I’ve got some more stuff accomplished from my earlier list. We also shopped for a new TV and ended up getting a 32′ Polaroid HD TV. It’s really awesome. I’m also really excited that I finally took my rings to be resized. Just as I increased a shoe size when pregnant with Monkey Boy, I also increased in finger size and never went back. So I took my wedding ring and a ring that was my great grandmother’s. I’ve never worn her ring, because it’s always been to small. It’s also so worn down on the underside. It’s beautiful and can’t wait to wear it. As for my graduation ring, I’m going to send it off because Balfour will do it for free. So I’ll get them back on Wednesday! Yay!!

We’ve also been watching some movies:
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants – cute chic-flick
Dinosaur Hunter – a movie my 8 yo recorded and we both really liked it. A good family movie.
iRobot – didn’t care for this one, not really my type of movie, lots of violence
Fever Pitch – great movie! A must see chic-flick

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2 Responses to Lately

  1. Seuss says:

    Welcome to the world of High Definition! 🙂

  2. An HD TV, we will all have to get one one day apparently according to the gov’t. I bet it is nice. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was a pretty cute movie, haven’t seen the other two though. How did you like them?

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