Kids and stuff

Monkey Boy has been sick for the last few days. I finally broke down and took him to the doctor today so that he’ll be all better when it’s time for him to go back to daycare. He’s got deep congestion, cough, runny nose. He also has an ear infection. (We saw Dr. T today…hoowee…I forgot how hot he is.) Oh anyway…so we got some medicine and he should be good to go in a few days.

And did I mention that now after a week home with the kids, that they are driving me nuts? If I hear “I’m boooooored!” again, I might die! Even though TV boy got all this cool stuff for Christmas he’s still bored! Ugh! Children!! Mr. Mag is home all this week too and I just found out we’re having a company from Atlanta tomorrow. SOoooooo…I better get my butt in gear and clean this house!

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One Response to Kids and stuff

  1. Rachael says:

    Sorry to hear that T is sick. Poor kiddo! I hope it clears up soon. This cold and flu season is a killer.

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