Just put me on the BAD MOM list!

Ahhhhh!!! I’m so upset right now and instead of putting part of this on my facebook, I’m going to do what I used to do and blog about it! So here goes…you have been forewarned.

First, let me give some background info. Every summer our church has a “Sweat Week” for 6-12th graders. Sweat Week is where the teenagers sleep at the church for 3 or 4 nights and they spend each day doing mission work around the community. Last year Teenager helped sort donations at the Salvation Army drop off center, shovel horse waste at a Horse Camp for disabled children, and bag chickens at the local food bank. They give a good 8 hours of work each day and then in the evenings they get to do something fun like bowling or skating. The last night and day is optional, but it’s a great culmination to the week. They go up to Tennessee where they sleep on a gym floor and White Water raft down the Ocoee the next day! Teenager thought it was pure awesomeness! It was one of the best weeks of his life.

We get the forms for Sweat Week in the mail in April and last year I got Teenagers paperwork in in time. It feels up quite quickly. This year I plain out forgot, and didn’t send the paperwork off right when got it. Last night I got an email from Rob saying he noticed on the church website that Sweat Week was FULL! I still had hope, because I had put Teenager’s forms in the mail earlier this week. I emailed the youth secretary to later find out she hadn’t gotten his forms and he did not make it in. Just add me to the “bad mom list“! I could cry I’m so upset. I cringe at the thought of having to break the news to Teenager. Ugh! I hate this feeling and I hate knowing that I let him down. Has something similar to this ever happen to you as a mom? What did you do? How did your child react?

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3 Responses to Just put me on the BAD MOM list!

  1. Leigh says:

    Something similar happened yesterday…I had forgotten that Taylor was taking a very important AP History exam today to get her college credit for taking AP…she got really, really angry with me that I had forgotten, felt slighted, etc. The kids don’t realize I am not the youngest chicken in the coop anymore, that I have gone back to work, the last 3 weeks have been very stressful both at work and in life in general…don’t feel too badly…you DID try to get him in. There’s always next year! Maybe during the time he’d be at Sweat Week you can plan something fun to do so he won’t miss it as much or feel left out. Good luck!! 🙂

    • Magnolia Mom says:

      Thanks, Leigh. They (well at least my kids) don’t realize what we do for them as parents. They really do expect me to be superwoman! Some times I amaze myself and I get it all done. I’m just praying he’s at the top of the waiting list and gets in somehow! My Taylor…mad? No way! 😉

  2. Maria says:

    My mom did the same thing with Camp Glisson one year. She said she just lost the forms. I was upset, but I got over it. Maybe you can get Andrew and one of his friends(that also didn’t make it in) to sign up for camp at Glisson or some other camp and go together…

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