Junk or Treasure?

We went last week to Texas. It was a very quick trip to see Grandmother and try to get all my stuff from the house. We brought a ton of stuff back. Nothing of great value and really when you look at it all, it looks like a bunch of junk! But one man’s junk is another man’s treasures, right? And most of this stuff I brought back is treasure to me. If you asked me how you box up memories, I’d show you the boxes of stuff sitting in my living room. I emptied 2 of the boxes last night. One of the boxes had scrapbooks and photo albums. For me being the photography junkie that I am, I was so happy to get my hands on all this stuff. I’m not going to give you an itemized listing of everything right now, but I plan to share some of the stuff that I come across.

Right now my plan is to try to get all the stuff I emptied from those 2 boxes put on shelves or somewhere not in the middle of my living room floor! From there I’m going to work on taking all the pictures out of the albums, because time has already started to yellow the pages and soon the pictures will be over taken by the acid from the album pages. I’ve got to find a way to keep 100’s of pictures organized, while I work my way through them to scan some and divide them out. I plan to send them to the appropriate family members.

Among all the photo albums, I found a book that my mom had started for me. It’s a scrapbook. Last night as I looked through the old cards, pictures, newspaper clippings, etc I came to the realization that I get my love of scrapbooking from her. I’m not sure that she still has a love for it now, but I can tell that back then she really wanted to record everything she could to help me see how life was back then and how much I was loved. I’m anxious for you to see some of the stuff that’s in there!

Beyond all that I have boxes of stuff from school; old report cards, band, dance, sports-related memorabilia from my school days. Of course, I have tons of stuff from Dixie Belles. Packing all that stuff up to bring back home made me miss that time in life so much. So as time goes on, I’ll be blogging about my treasures that I brought back from Fort Worth.

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One Response to Junk or Treasure?

  1. Holly says:

    That’s awesome that you found a scrapbook your mum had started for you! 🙂

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