
With everything that has gone on with me for the last 4 months or so, I’ve in a round about way come to realize that my occasional judgments on others are baseless, merciless, gratuitous, and unsubstantiated. I now know that unless you have been in that person’s shoes, you have no right to judge. You don’t know what they’re feeling, what they’re going through, or the circumstances surrounding why they make the choices they make. I think after all of this my perception of people and things they do has changed. Judging others is something that comes easy to most. Not everyone is going to think the way you do or react the way you do. I’ve never been one to want to change the way people see things, but I have always belittled people in my mind for decisions they make and wonder why they didn’t make better choices. Choosing to not be judgmental is something most don’t ever try to stop or if they do, I think they’d have to have some life altering situation. I guess like I have.

I’m still unable to go into details about my life and I think I’ve only got family members and a couple friends reading my blog now, so it’s not a big deal to disclose that anyway. I’m going to try and jump back on the blogging bandwagon. It just may be a slow process. I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, just not any type of writing that anyone else would care to read. 🙂

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2 Responses to Judgement

  1. DBN says:

    Hope that you are doing ok over there.

  2. Mr Mag says:

    Glad you’re back in the grove. I think you have more readers than you think… At least once they realize that you are BACK!

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