Jonny Diaz {Giveaway!}

Not sure if you’ve heard Jonny Diaz‘s music, but it is relaxing and inspiring. His music is acoustic, Christian, pop, which lends itself to folks of many different tastes. You can watch a video from his newest CD here.

A couple top hits on his newest album, More Beautiful You, are:
More Beautiful You
Love Like You Loved

Cool fact about Jonny: One of his brothers is Matt Diaz of the Braves!

So now for the giveaway…Just leave a comment! šŸ™‚
On Oct. 24 I’ll do a drawing of everyone. We’ll give away 5 CDs!

Original post on 10/9/2009

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3 Responses to Jonny Diaz {Giveaway!}

  1. Flossip says:

    Count me in! I’ll do a link on twitter as well.
    .-= FlossipĀ“s last blog ..My first Florence home =-.

  2. What a blessing this would be.
    .-= Katie’s KeepersĀ“s last blog ..Reese’s Name Gallery #5 =-.

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