I’ve been tagged

And I feel so special 🙂

Dana from Southern Gal Goes North tagged me. I never get tagged so it kind of made my day. Anyway, I’m supposed to disclose 5 things you don’t know about me. So here ya go:
1. I want to paint a Alex’s room (when we move into the new house) with a mural to go with his room’s theme, transportation. I’m in the process of planning it.
2. I’m thinking of learning to use an airbrush and do the mural in airbrush.
3. Yes, I do have some artistic ability.
4. I’ve also been planning how I want to paint the other rooms in the new house and where I want the furniture and stuff like that. Can you tell I’m consumed with wanting to sell this house and move to the new one? 🙂
5. Hmmm…I’m trying to think of something that doesn’t have to do with moving that you don’t know about me. Oh, here’s something. I drove a ’71 Ford LTD in high school. It was a peachy-yellow color and my friends called it the Banana Boat.

I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you need something to do, let me know and I’ll come check it out.

This entry was posted in Bloggin' It, Home Sweet Home, Me, Myself, & I, MeMe, Moving, My So-Called Life and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to I’ve been tagged

  1. Dana says:

    Good luck on the move! I can’t wait until the day we sell this place and move south! Someday.

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