{I ♥ Faces} Week 7 – “Black and White” – Adult

Be sure to check out I ♥ Faces to see all the other beautiful faces that have been entered into the contest!

This is my first adult entry. I guess because I never feel very confident that I have anything good enough. I had lots of cool black and whites from this recent maternity session, but they were all faceless! Didn’t figure that would fly to well with I ♥ Faces contest. 🙂

I heart Faces Week 7 - "Black and White" Adult

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2 Responses to {I ♥ Faces} Week 7 – “Black and White” – Adult

  1. Jamie says:

    What a sweet photo! I love the creative angle!!

  2. marci says:

    The fact that “baby” is all black makes “baby” such a presence in this picture. That – and the angle!!

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