{I ♥ Faces} Week 4 – “The Eyes Have It”

Be sure to check out I ♥ Faces to see all the other beautiful faces that have been entered into the contest!

This is my niece who has amazing eyes. Both her and her sister are so beautiful and I’m lucky enough to play with them while clicking the shutter button! 🙂

I ? Faces

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5 Responses to {I ♥ Faces} Week 4 – “The Eyes Have It”

  1. Andrea says:

    Beautiful photo, love those great big eyes. Looks like a winner.

  2. Stephanie says:

    WOW…very stunning picture…love the eyes!

  3. Julie Rivera says:

    Is she smirking at you?! Too many clicks of that shutter, maybe. 🙂 She does have fabulous eyes…watch out when she’s 15…

  4. Your niece does have beautiful eyes. She is very pretty!

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