
I’m having such a difficult time juggling where to post what! Since I have a photography blog now, if I have good pix I want to post them there of course. I post stuff on flickr too! And then there’s here and my cooking blog. I could blog all day long it seems! So I don’t know…..

A quick summary of a few things we’ve been up to:
Thursday was the Auburn Christmas Parade. TV Boy got to ride on his cub scout float for the last time since he’ll be moving up to Boy Scouts next year. Here’s a picture of the cops, who were at the beginning of the parade. (You can see more pics of the parade if you click on the pic below.)

Christmas Parade 2008

Today we went to the Christmas tree farm. I have posted about that on my photography blog. I’ll be posting a few more pics on flickr soon.

This evening we decorated the tree, while listening to Christmas music. Besides having some issues with blinking bulbs and the tree that didn’t want to stand up straight, it went well. I love this time of year!

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