Homecoming 2014

How did Teenager ask A.P. to homecoming?

Teenager and his beautiful date, A.P., both looked amazing for Homecoming 2014 a few weeks ago. We met up with another couple who Teenager and A.P. were going to homecoming with for pictures at a hidden spot on campus that not too many people know about called Memorial Gardens. Scroll down for more details.


All of us were waiting for Teenager’s date, A.P. to get there, who by the way a week or so after he asked her to homecoming, became his girlfriend (post to come). So anyway, we were all standing there talking with the other parents and Teenager was anxiously awaiting the arrival of his girlfriend. I almost wished I’d videoed him when she got out of the car…”W-w-w-Wow!” was his response. Classic.

*AHS Homecoming 2014

We took a few shots and I needed to adjust A.P.’s wrist corsage as it was a little top heavy. As I adjusted it my thumb was holding the metal bracket and just as I started to move it, it sliced right down the center of my thumb. Blood began to drip, but I didn’t want to stop. We needed to get these pics done, so we could head to the house. Rob and I were also in charge of preparing a homemade Italian meal. There was no time for bleeding thumbs! I, thankfully, had a tissue in my pocket so I grabbed that and began to apply pressure. All the while, getting them to pose and snapping away.

*AHS Homecoming 2014

AHS Homecoming 2014

AHS Homecoming 2014

Most of the pictures turned out lovely, except the ones of both couples together. I hope to get some pics of them from one of the other parents soon.

We got home and the 2 couples sat in the living room chatting, while the Georgia vs. South Carolina game was on. Rob, Monkey, and I were busy in the kitchen finishing up the dinner. Here’s Monkey and Rob cranking out the homemade pasta.

Homecoming 2014 - Dinner

Here’s Teenager sitting next to the beautiful A.P. across from their friends.
AHS Homecoming 2014

Homecoming Menu
Salad with Olive Garden dressing
Homemade Pasta called Covatels
Homemade sauce and meatballs
Italian Garlic Bread
Apple Dumplins
Sparkling Grape juice

With dessert, we served sparkling grape juice in wine glasses for a fun little touch (Rob’s idea.)
Homecoming 2014 Dinner Fun

What an exhausting day for Rob and I, but we love doing special things for our guys. It also helped that Rob and I were leaving the next morning for a little getaway (and work conference for Rob).

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4 Responses to Homecoming 2014

  1. Jennifer says:

    This is awesome! It sounds like a great meal and the two couples are adorable!!

  2. Barbara says:

    What a great memory! Everyone looks lovely!

  3. Jenny says:

    How fun. I bet you were exhausted but look at their happy smiles.

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