
What Your Halloween Habits Say About You

You’re a friendly person, but not the life of the party. You like making someone else’s day – and you’ll dress up if you think of a really fun costume.

Sneaky and devious, people should really watch out for you. You are usually underestimated and forgotten.

Your inner child is open minded, playful, and adventurous.

You truly fear the dark side of humanity. You are a true misanthrope.

You’re prone to be quite emotional and over dramatic. Deep down, you enjoy being scared out of your mind… even if you don’t admit it.

You are a traditionalist with most aspects of your life. You like your Halloween costume to be basic, well made, and conventional enough to wear another year.

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2 Responses to Hmmm…

  1. Stephanie says:

    Okay… don’t think I’ve ever left a comment for you. I added your website to my sidebar but I didn’t include your name. I see that I missed your birthday at some point… HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Also, dates that are good for us are most likely in November during the week. All of next week is CA-RAZY with field trips, etc and then next Saturday is the hubby’s big 3-0! Then it’s Halloween and the annual scramble to make their costumes, etc. So we’ll have to work out something in November, okay?

  2. how do I find out about my halloween personality? I love when you write anything…WRITE SOMETHING…it’s not as if your a teacher and mother of two…jeeze…come on…do the dirty deed…publish something…I’ve waited so long…maunie

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