Happy Blogiversary!

One year ago today, I moved my blog to this wonderful place and I’ve been having so much fun. I’ve talked about some good times and some not so good times.

In this year, there have been several births and unfortunately a few deaths.

I survived many holidays along with many birthdays.

I shared lots of trials and tribulations with the toddler. As well as anxious moments with the eight year old!

I took a walk down memory lane and I looked into the future. I’ve lamented about my health issues.

I welcomed you here, after I pulled a couple old posts over from my old blog and I’ve discussed why I blog. I also shared some randomness.

As of today, one year later I’ve had:
84178 Page Views
366 Posts
54 Categories

Thanks for sharing in my first year of bloghood! 🙂

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4 Responses to Happy Blogiversary!

  1. Oma Flinger says:

    Happy Blogiversary.

    Wow, look at those stats!

  2. Michelle says:

    Congratulations! This is my first visit and it looks great, I’ll definitely check in again.

  3. Mrs. Flinger says:

    That’s a great idea for a post!! I’ve been wantingn to somehow capture what the heck I talk about in one post. Such a well said gathering of everything you do here. Awesome!!


  4. viamarie says:

    Happy blog anniversary! Am visiting via Saturday Photo Hunt and I enjoyed reading your posts.

    My photo for this week is up now.

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