Happy Birthday, Baby!

March 7th, 2004
Baby T
March 7th, 2005
1st BirthdayPlaying in the Grass

March 7th, 2006
Monkey Boy's 2nd Birthday2nd Birthday

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5 Responses to Happy Birthday, Baby!

  1. Beth says:

    What a sweet little boy. My son just turned two a few months ago. They are so much fun at this age!!!

  2. Rachael says:

    He is just so stinking sweet Happy Birthday T baby!
    Two sure came fast didn’t it? This second year is flying in the life of Gavi too.

  3. Lauren says:

    I love how you post the pictures 🙂 What a Sweetie Pie!

  4. traci says:

    Happy Belated birthday!

  5. Mrs. Flinger says:

    Ohhh, look what I missed. I love it! That’s a great idea. What a big change. WOW. He’s still adorable. 🙂

    Happy Birthday (A little late)

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