Furry Friends

Yesterday Rob got home and asked me if I got his email. I said no. He said well I have a surprise for you. I asked “a good one or a bad one?” He said bad! So we go into the bedroom and he said open up the bottom drawer of the armoir. He said “open it up and and jump back”. So I did. When I opened the bottom drawer, there was a bunch of torn up tissue in the midst of Rob’s clothing. He told me to close it back. He said that morning, he heard scurrying around in there so he opened it up and didn’t know why the tissue was in there like that so he started to pick it up when he saw a mouse run across the drawer! Eeeeyyywwww!!! Later we discovered the mouse left of us many tiny gifts behind the toilet in our bathroom, which connects to our bedroom. Yuck! This morning when I got up, I tip toed for being afraid of stepping on it. I push the bathroom door open and flip on the light, wait a few seconds and then I go in. Talk about being paranoid and scared to walk around in my own house! ACK! So when I got home today I was like, Mr. A we’re going to look for the mouse. I looked in the bathroom and saw that Rob and got some sticky traps. I told Mr. A to open the bottom drawer. He did and he said I seem it, I see it! I was still in the bathroom adjusting the traps, so I went in there and looked and I think I saw NOT 1 mouse, but 2 teeny tiny mice! Yuck!!!! After a few seconds they scurried out of the back of the drawer, which I’m not sure where they went. Hmmm…what we need is to put a trap in the drawer! Oh well, we’ll see. I just hope that there’s just those 2 or 1 and no more! Eeeessshhhh! You know as much as I love The Mouse and the Motorcycle, I think it takes on a whole new meaning for me! 🙂

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