Friday’s Favorite: Restaurant Nutrition App

by: Foundation HealthCare Network
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Released: August 2008
Size: 1.1 MB

I love this app. This is great for those of us who are trying to make better choices when we have no other choice but to east fast food. Of course, since I have an iPod and can’t access it when I’m out I have to do where I have free wifi. Regardless I find this very useful and informative. Below you can see the information that it gives you for the item you’re trying to look up.

Here it shows the screen which is so awesome. It enables you to do a search. So say your going out for dinner and know you should only be eating 500 calories, just type that in and it will narrow down your choices for you! Love that. You can also create a profile and keep up with the foods your eating each day.

Check it out!

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