Food meme

I saw this fun thing on Lisanne’s blog and thought since I haven’t had a lot to say lately, I’d join in on the fun!

1. How do you like your eggs? I like them scrambled, but I really like them scrambled with sausage, ham, and/or cheese mixed in like my hubby fixes. 🙂

2. How do you take your coffee/tea?I’m not a coffee drinker at all. As for tea, I don’t drink much of that either, but when I do I like sweet tea. I’m from the South and that’s the only way we drink it down here.

3. Favorite breakfast food: Well, it really depends on the situation. On the weekends my hubby fixes breakfast usually. He makes scrambled eggs with stuff mixed in like I mentioned earlier. I also like pancakes and now that we have one of those hotel waffle makers, I enjoy making the waffles. It’s so easy with one of those. You can’t go wrong. If it’s a weekday and I’m in a hurry, I have to eat something every morning regardless, and I like granola bars if I’m trying to be healthy. If not, I love those little chocolate donuts. I can eat half a bag in one sitting.

4. Peanut butter – smooth or crunchy? I like both, but most of the time I use smooth. When I’m feeling like something different, I’ll get some crunchy.

5. What kind of dressing on your salad? I don’t have an absolute favorite, but Ranch and Italian are my good old standbys. I like different types of vinaigrette. I enjoy trying “house” dressing and different restaurants.

6. Coke or Pepsi? Coke all the way baby! I used to try and get whatever was cheaper even though I prefer Coke. But last summer, I got some Pepsi and I found that it goes flat before I’m even done drinking it. So now I drink only Coke, of course it’s Diet Coke. The fact that I have stock in Coke, doesn’t have any effect on my decision:-)

7. You’re feeling lazy, what do you make? Hamburger Helper

8. You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Pepperoni or pepperoni & sausage. If it were just me, I’d get Supreme, but the fam doesn’t go for that!

9. You feel like cooking. What do you make? I enjoy trying new recipes from All Recipes and Rachel Ray. I also have my Cooking Blog, where I put recipes that I find and want to try or ones that I love and want to keep cooking.

10. Do any foods bring back good memories? Yes, everytime I make Sausage Balls, I think of my Granddad, who was a very creative cook. I always loved helping him make those Sausage Balls and he was so meticulous in making sure we hand mixed it to perfection.

9. Do any foods bring back bad memories? Hmm…canned spinach. My Grandmother forced me to eat even after I told her it would make me sick. She told me I wouldn’t get up until I ate it. I took one bite, swallowed, and then spewed it back up. She never made me eat it again. 🙂

10. Do any foods remind you of someone? See above.

11. Is there a food you refuse to eat? I cannot stomach Canned Spinach.

12. What was your favorite food as a child? Chocolate chip cookies and ice cream and usually anything my Granny and my Great Aunt Sue cooked

13. Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like? Brussel sprouts

14. Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate? I wouldn’t say I HATE this now, but I sure wouldn’t beg for it now like I used to and that Chicken and dumplins.

15. Favorite fruit and vegetable: Bananas and corn

16. Favorite junk food: Chocolate anything! If I’m in the mood for salty, I usually do Cheese crackers or Peanut butter crackers.

17. Favorite between meal snack: Banana, apple, graham crackers, string cheese, if I’m trying to be health conscious. If not, it’s chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate chip cookies, or ice cream.

18. Do you have any weird food habits? My hubby makes fun of me because I look at my food after I put it on my fork. I thought everyone did that, but I guess the way I do it is odd.

19. You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? fruit, salad, non-carb like foods. haha

20 . You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? Chocolate! Pizza! As many carbs as I can get a hold of.

21. How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? I LOVE spicy. I’m from Texas, so grew up with salsa and spicy stuff, so bring it on.

22. Can I get you a drink? Strawberry Margaritas are usually my first choice. I like the fruity stuff.

23. Red wine or white? white

24. Favorite dessert? Chocolate chip cookies, chocolate candy, chocolate turtle ice cream

25. The perfect nightcap? Milk

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2 Responses to Food meme

  1. Mrs. Flinger says:

    MILK! MILK? 🙂 And I never got the “coke vs pepsi” gig. I’m not a pop drinker but that coffee… oh.. yea. Thats my problem. 🙂

  2. Stacy says:

    Fun one! I loved reading your answers and I think I’m going to steal this and save it for a rainy day. It’s a great meme for someone who likes to eat as much as I do 🙂

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