Feeling Really Cool!

This afternoon I was on my way to get Drew from after school. I was not in the greatest of moods and was happy to hear one of my favorite songs when I got in the car. I’m so embarrassed to say it was Jessica Simpson’s “With You”. I turned it up pretty loud and was singing it. The windows were rolled up in my car. It’s hot here, so I had the AC blowing full blast. Anyway, so I’m at the stop light, blaring Jessica Simpson, not thinking about anything really. I’m just singing away. I look over and I see these 4 guys in 2 different cars just watching me. Muhahahaha! Oh my gosh. At first I played like I didn’t see them, but as I turned my head in the other direction, I couldn’t help but break out in laughter myself! I’m laughing right now just thinking about the looks on their faces! I looked back at them and smiled. It was just funny. So my point…well…I’m not exactly sure, except that it should be ok for an almost 30 year old woman to lose herself, and her troubles in a song sung by Jessica Simpson!!

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