E L E V E N {how can that be?}

Today TV Boy is ELEVEN. I had to type that out to help it sink in. I just can’t believe it’s been that long. With this age comes a lot of change. He’ll transition into middle school in August for 6th grade. He’ll move up to boy scouts in May. In fact, he’s not able to have his birthday party tonight because he’s at a camping trip with the boy scout troop he plans to join. So we’ll have a house full of boys next Friday night.

Thinking back to this last year in the life of TV Boy, he’s really made me so proud. Last year on the weekend of his birthday, we got the call from Coach Mike asking if he would like to join the Auburn Thunder team. This was such an honor. He’s learned a lot about life through this experience. Lots of ups and downs, but I don’t think he’d go go back to rec league (but you never know!)

In June, after playing a half a year on the U10 team with Coach Mike, he endured a week of tryouts. We went and observed. I loved seeing the determination his eyes and the confidence in his moves. Yet listen to him after each day of workouts and the humble tone of voice he spoke with saying he wasn’t sure if he’d make it or not. He was quite happy and relieved to get the letter saying he was on the team!

Among being on a travel soccer team, he’s succeeding in a departmentalized classroom setting. Staying organized while changing classes has not been to much of a problem for him. I’ll have to admit I was a bit nervous about his success in that type of classroom, but I’m so glad that they did that to help him prepare for middle school.

So this year instead of posting pictures from his last 11 years, I’ll post pics from his 11th year!


At Auburn City Fest

Aubie and the boys

My Little Rock Star

Auburn Thunder Spring 08

Braves Game with Auburn Thunder Team

Auburn Thunder Spring 08

Gatlinburg, TN Memorial Day Trip

Gatlinburg, TN Memorial Day Trip

Newly framed

Auburn Tournament

The Soccer Player

The making of our Gingerbread house

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008

Playing with Play-Doh!

10th birthday
9th birthday
8th birthday
7th birthday – you’ll have to scroll down a bit.

This entry was posted in Birthdays, Drew, Feeling nostalgic, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Pics Pics Pics, Soccer Mom and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to E L E V E N {how can that be?}

  1. Candi says:

    Wish him happy birthday from us!

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