Cravings {Review}

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen has a cookbook out called Cravings with a tagline recipes for all the food you want to eat. When opening the book, I was unsure of what to expect with a cookbook written by a super model. When I first thumbed through books, what caught my eye was several pictures of her along side her husband, John Legend. I rolled my eyes thinking this is another celebrity couple that are going to nauseate me with their highfalutin lifestyles. However, when I flipped to the introduction I could tell that Chrissy was the one really doing the writing here. The entire book is written like Chrissy is just talking to you and I love that! The book is broken in to 10 chapters ranging from Breakfast All Day (p. 14-39) to Thai Mom (p. 104-119) to Supper (p. 192-233). She confesses in her intro that she is not a baker, so you won’t find a section on desserts.

I recommend this cookbook to anyone and everyone that wants to up their game in the kitchen. Chrissy takes classic meals and make them better, like on p. 90-91 Chrissy’s Mac and Cheese with Cheesy Garlic Bread Crumbs and p. 32-33 Pull-apart Buttermilk Biscuits with Sausage Gravy. All of the recipes have gorgeous, nicely composed pictures.

In the introduction, Chrissy mentions she has a blog, which I was unfamiliar with so I decided to check it out. I wanted to see if all the recipes that were in the book were on the blog as well. After using the search bar at the top of her blog, I only found 1 (out of 5) recipe that was on the blog. So if you’re a fan of her blog, it looks like you’ll find lots of new recipes in the book. Check it out!!

I am thankful for Blogging for Books who sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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