Coconut Water {Review}

Coconut Water

I was recently asked by Epicurex to review their organic coconut water called Cocozia. They sent a case for me to try. I eagerly put it in the fridge and the next day pulled one out, opened it up, and smelled it. Isn’t that what every body does?

Drinking Coconut Milk in the Caribbean

I had expected to smell a fruity, sweet smell which would make me more eager to swallow swig quickly. However, that was not the case. It actually smelled like dirty dishwater.

Drinking Coconut Milk in the Caribbean

So my first thoughts of it smelling like the coconut milk we drank in Mexico quickly faded. At this point, I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to take a swig, much less drink the entire carton.

Organic Coconut Water

I manage to take 2 sips. I would have stopped at 1, but needed to drink a little more so I could describe it for you. It has the texture of milk, but the flavor was bitter and the after taste was not pleasant. I’m afraid beyond these 2 details, I can’t tell you anymore as it was not palatable at all.


I wanted this to be so good, because I’ve read nothing but rave reviews about how healthy coconut water is for you. I don’t want to waste the case that Epicurex sent me, so I’m probably going to try cooking with it or possibly washing my hair with it.

See other reviews of Cocozia here.
Have you tried any coconut water? What’s your take on it?

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6 Responses to Coconut Water {Review}

  1. aimee fauci says:

    I’ve tried the coconut water and when I saw how gross it is I get those ‘looks’.. People don’t understand why I don’t like it. I hear you should make smoothies out of them.

  2. Sarah says:

    I have heard that it’s gross. Then when I saw the price, I definitely decided that I won’t be trying it. I have an aunt and uncle that like it, but they’re kind of weird… haha

  3. Tiffany says:

    I’ve never tried coconut water but would taste it if I had the chance…

  4. I’ve never tried coconut water, but that’s too bad that it wasn’t good.

  5. Kristin says:

    Mmmmmmm I love coconut water!

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