Christmas Gingerbread House

The few days that TV Boy had off before Christmas we enjoyed some of our traditions that we try to make time for every year. One of which is making a Gingerbread House. Last year, we didn’t get to it. This year I stepped back and tried to let the kids do as much as possible. Enjoy the pictures:

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

The making of our Gingerbread house

Christmas Food

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One Response to Christmas Gingerbread House

  1. BethC says:

    Now that is pretty impressive!

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