
Today Rob’s Mom and family came over. Alex opened his presents. After we went out for dinner, he threw up all over me. So needless to say, he’s not feeling well. On a happier note, here’s some pics from his birthday.


Alex's 2nd Birthday

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7 Responses to Celebrations

  1. Mrs. Flinger says:

    YEY! Another March birthday! Happy Birthday!

  2. monica says:

    he is just precious!!! hopefully he’s feeling much better now.

  3. denise says:

    Happy Belated Birthday!

  4. Rachael says:

    Poor guy! Hope he is feeling better?
    He is such a cutie. I totally dig his hair, its perfect!

  5. Beth says:

    He is sooo cute. Poor little guy. It is no fun to be sick. Hope he gets well soon!!

  6. Lisanne says:

    Awww! What cute photos! Happy birthday to him … and I’m *so* sorry that he wasn’t feeling well! Is he OK now? Do you know what was wrong?

  7. Lauren says:

    What cute pictures! I especially like the one of the two of you 🙂

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