Category Archives: My So-Called Life

My life

So sick………

It all started Tuesday night when I went to get Drew from after school. We were on the way to the car and he threw up. He ended being sick all night. Rob stayed home with him yesterday. Last night … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Drew, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, The Fab 4 | Tagged , | 3 Comments

This week

Well, it’s Thursday already! Most weeks, I’m anxious to see the weekend get closer, but not this week. We’re on spring break and it has (of course) flown by! I was hoping for a relaxing, stress-free week. It’s turned out … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, The Fab 4 | Tagged , | 2 Comments


This is the house that we wanted to buy and the entire reason we put our house on the market. GONE…SOLD! I’ve actually known about this for a couple weeks, but had to get over the devastation before making this … Continue reading

Posted in Home Sweet Home, Moving, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | 3 Comments


Yes, the party is on!! Tons of friends, food, and fraternizing. Now don’t be a party pooper stay awhile and show me some love, which is really easy. You can do that by saying hi. I’ve been lacking in the … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, MeMe, My So-Called Life, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 32 Comments

So yesterday…

So yesterday was Alex’s birthday. He had a great day. For me, it wasn’t as great. It actually started Tuesday when I went to put my contact in my right eye, which looked irritated. I didn’t think much of it. … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Birthdays, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Alex turns THREE tomorrow!

This is the day he went home. Believe it or not, this outfit was for newborns, but it swallowed him up! Where has the time gone? I can’t believe three years have passed already. In so many ways though, his … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Birthdays, I am Woman..., Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Pics Pics Pics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Just back…

We just got back from our weekend in Mobile. I guess I didn’t tell you that before we left. I’ll have pictures later. I’m exhausted and I’m off to bed. Hope you’re weekend was good! Mine…well, it seems like I … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin', The Fab 4 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Unmotivated – Potty Training Help Needed!

I’m so unmotivated to get Alex to potty train. I’ve got to find some motivation some where, because he’s going to be 3 in a couple weeks. Drew was potty trained at school in a matter of days! As for … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Mama Drama, Me, Myself, & I, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | 5 Comments

The wedding and honeymoon (The beginning Part IV)

Continued from Part III. Soon after I moved to Auburn I got a job working at Auburn City Hall. I worked there from May until September, when school started. In May of the next year (1997), we decided to get … Continue reading

Posted in I am Woman..., Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, My Travels, On the Road Again | Tagged , | 1 Comment

My first day in Auburn (part III of the beginning)

Continued from Part II. The first day I was in Auburn, Rob and I decided to walk to campus. We ended up over at the stadium, where it was open, because they were inside doing some cleaning. Rob talked me … Continue reading

Posted in I am Woman..., Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | 2 Comments