Category Archives: My So-Called Life

My life


EDIT: Ok so we got lucky and it was only one hundred and something! So that’s good since’ve already spent so much. Ok so the car is now at the OTHER shop and I haven’t talked to Mr. Mag to … Continue reading

Posted in Life's a Beach, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin' | Tagged | Leave a comment


Ok, so I hate dealing with cars when they don’t work! We just shelled out a whoppin’ $850 for powersteering and now they say we’re gonna have to spend another $500 for brakes! ACK!! So much for Christmas 🙁

Posted in Life's a Beach, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin' | Tagged | 2 Comments

Weekend Getaway 2005::Atlanta, GA

Friday night after dropping the kids off at the in-laws’, Mr. Mag took me to the very charming Dante’s Down the Hatch. They are a fondue restaurant that has a setting created to look like a ship tied to a … Continue reading

Posted in Eat?, Entertain me, Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, On the Road Again | Tagged | 6 Comments


Mr. Mag left this morning 5 am to go to Atlanta for business. So I got up after he left and got some stuff done around the house. I had to get to work later than normal because I had … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Bloggin' It, Drew, Eat?, Entertain me, Home Sweet Home, I am Woman..., Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, Soccer Mom, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 1 Comment

Rainbow of Fruit Flavors

Drew has a paint set with all sorts of paint, paint brushes, paint sponges, and an apron. Undoubtedly, this was a gift from a loving grandparent :-). He painted with it tonight. I helped him clean it up, but I … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Cleaning, Crafts, Mama Drama, My So-Called Life | Tagged , | Leave a comment

20 Random Things

I saw this on Bathtub Junkie‘s site. Thought I’d give it a shot. 1. My NEW favorite candy is Peanut Butter M & M’s. 2. I just watched The Misfits on Turner Classic Movies. 3. I’m trying to watch old … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggin' It, Eat?, Entertain me, In My Free Time, Me, Myself, & I, MeMe, Movies, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 2 Comments

Looking Forward 2005::Atlanta, GA

I’m getting really excited about this weekend! Mr. Mag and I are having a weekend away. We’re droppin’ the kids off at his mom’s house and heading up to Atlanta. We’re staying at the Ansley Inn, which is a bed … Continue reading

Posted in Entertain me, Me, Myself, & I, Movies, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life, On the Road Again, The Fab 4 | Tagged | 2 Comments

How Clean is Your Bathroom?

Tonight we had some trick or treaters. We had the cutest little angels. They were sisters and after giving them some candy the older one said, “we gotta go cause she’s gotta pee!” The mom said, “come on girls lets … Continue reading

Posted in Cleaning, Ghosts & Goblins, Holidaze, Home Sweet Home, My So-Called Life | Tagged | Leave a comment

Sew What!

I started trying to sew or teach myself how to sew after getting pregnant with Monkey Boy. I wanted to make bags and purses, pillows, and some (what I thought was) easy stuff. I borrowed my mother-in-laws sewing machine to … Continue reading

Posted in In My Free Time, Life's a Beach, My So-Called Life, Rantin' and Ravin', Sewing | Tagged | 1 Comment


I was thinking while I was getting my PJ’s on about how people go to sleep. Some fall asleep with the TV or radio on. Some must have it completely dark. Some completely quiet. The list goes on. I prefer … Continue reading

Posted in Me, Myself, & I, Mr. Mag, My So-Called Life | Tagged | 1 Comment